Food myths run rampant in our world, whether it be online or through old wives’ tales handed down through the years. Much of this misinformation applies to the culinary world and we’re here to talk about it and decide which of them hold water.

Two eggplants held in hands of supposodely male and female type.

If you prefer video, watch the full episode 10 YouTube video version.

Shortly after we published our instructional video for Pasta alla Norma, we received a ton of comments telling us we should have picked a male eggplant since they have fewer seeds.

This is a claim I heard throughout my childhood but always wondered if there was any truth to it. 

With just a little research I found that it is in fact a food myth. Eggplants do not have a specific sex, rather each eggplant has both male and female parts.

Shrimp held on spoon curled in to letter o shape.

In addition to the eggplant myth, we explore a number of other culinary myths and claims including:

  • Should shrimp be cooked to a c shape, not an o shape?
  • Should pasta water be the same salinity as the sea?
  • Does turkey really make you tired?
  • Does chicken need to be washed?
  • Should pasta be rinsed after cooking?
  • Do fresh tomatoes always make better sauce?
  • Do the shiny and dull sides of aluminum foil have different purposes?
  • Should oil be put in pasta water?


If you enjoyed the Busting Culinary Myths episode, leave us a comment below and let us know!  

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  1. Eileen says:

    Yes! Always fascinating content from you both. ❤️

  2. Cherice says:

    Hey, Jim Tara, hope you guys are well, it is currently 01:00am and have been binge watching as a new comer to your YouTube channel!! 👀👀 amazing content, thanks guys!! As a newcomer may I enquire as to why the dreaded “Fond” situation? What’s the haps with not liking referring to it? 😊😊

  3. Judy says:

    Love you guys.. making steak pizzioal now.
    What is the dreaded four letter word I keep hearing about?

    1. Tara says:

      Hi Judy, thanks for the comment. The dreaded word is “fond”, as in the brown flavor bits that develop on the bottom of the pan. Jim used the word a few times on the Coq au Vin video we put up today and people were flabbergasted! Glad you’re enjoying the podcast, and hope you enjoy the pizzaiola!

  4. Dianne says:

    Yay!! I’ve been waiting for you guys to Do It Again!! This is what the world needs more of; love you two. ☯️❤️

    1. Jim says:

      Thank you so much for the kind words, Dianne, and for listening!